Accountability Check In Journal

The intention of these check-ins is to give you the opportunity to reflect and lay out your strategy and mindset for the upcoming week. These are going to require you to really reflect on how you are feeling both mentally and physically, and will require you to give yourself a few minutes each week that are dedicated to you (which is something you deserve to be giving yourself).

Important Note: The purpose of TFGG is so much more than just fitness, and these questions reflect all aspects of your life. If there are any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, or don’t see a point in, skip them! This is about reflecting in a way that’s meaningful to you so answer what you feel is relevant.

Journaling Questions

Wins! What are some wins (in literally any area of your life) that you’ve achieved lately? No win is too small to list it.

Are you doing Internal Fitness Practices of writing out Gratitudes, Self Love, and the Cookie Jar method daily? If not - how come? Do you feel you don’t need to, or you just haven’t been able to prioritize it?

How is your self talk right now? Are you actively working on speaking to yourself with compassion & kindness?

Do you feel like you’ve pushed past the newness of TFGG into long term consistency (or at least are on your way)?

Are there areas of your life that are affecting your mental health or making it hard to prioritize yourself?

Anything you want to write down just to get off your chest? This is a safe space.

When it comes to your training, how consistent have you been?

Have you been mapping out your week of training and executing on it?

Any major roadblocks to training consistency? If yes - what’s your plan to make sure you always get back on it and don’t quit?

How are you feeling physically in your body right now?

Are you pushing yourself in your workouts to really see what you’re capable of?

What has been your biggest training improvement since this Series began?!

Area of your training that you want to improve?

What is your strategy for those times that you don’t want to train but you know you’ll feel amazing after? (ie. a hype playlist, laying out clothes, picturing how proud you’ll be afterward…)

How have you been doing with prepping food and getting a routine down / feeling organized with your nutrition?

Have you been dealing with any food guilt? If yes, what are your strategies to eliminate guilt and move on?

When you notice negative self talk creeping up from your inner mean girl, what are the things you're doing to change your inner narrative?

List 3 things (or more) that you’re grateful for!

BE YOUR OWN HYPE WOMAN - what is one statement or mantra you will come back to each time you need to hype yourself up?