
Block Four Grow Program

Due to Grow being an advanced program that requires meticulous tracking of each workout, you are going to follow along your Tracking Sheet during your workouts instead of a PDF.

You will be able to find all the coaching videos you need below!

Block Four encompasses weeks 7 & 8 of your TFGG Training.

Block Four Grow Coaching

Legs & Glutes

Movement Prep

Lunge w/ Reach

Monk Stretch

Downward Dog

Bodyweight Squats

Barbell Only Squats

Bodyweight Hip Thrusts


Banded Pause Back Squats: 6 sets of 6 reps (60 seconds rest b/w sets)

Tempo Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 12 reps (60 seconds rest b/w sets)

Superset no. 1

Complete 3 sets PAIRED / rest 45 seconds between each set

A. Split Squats x 12/leg

B. Split Squat Jumps x 25/leg

High Rep Finisher

Complete 1 set

Banded Weighted Jump Squats x 50

Staggered RDLs x 25/leg

Pull Day

Movement Prep

Chest Opener

Band Raises

Band Pull Aparts

Lunge w/ Reach

Walkout to Push-up

Front to Back Bearcrawl


Pull-ups + Iso Pull-up Hold: 4 sets x (5 Pull-ups + 30 second Iso Pull-up Hold)

60 seconds rest b/w sets

Barbell Bent Over Row 12 reps x 3 sets (60 seconds rest b/w each)

Deficit Pull-ups: 8 reps x 2 sets

45 seconds rest b/w each set

Superset no. 1

Complete 3 sets / rest 45 seconds between each set

A. Wide- Grip Lat Pull-Down x 10

B. Narrow-Grip Lat Pull-Down x 10

Superset no. 2

Complete 3 sets / rest 45 seconds between each set

Stability Ball Plank x 2 minutes

Reverse Fly x 20

Glute Day

Movement Prep

Downward Dog

Monk Stretch

Lunge w/ Reach

Banded Bodyweight Thrusts


Sumo Deadlifts: 4 sets of 12 reps (60 seconds b/w sets)

Double Banded Lateral Walk: 3 sets of 20 steps/direction (30 seconds rest b/w sets)

Banded Wide Stance Tempo Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 12 reps (60 seconds rest b/w sets)

Superset no. 1

Complete 3 sets PAIRED / rest 45 seconds between each set

A. Elevated Split Squats w/ Pulse x 12/leg

B. Stability Glute Bridges x 15/leg

Push Day

Movement Prep

Chest Opener

Band Pull Aparts

Walkout to Push-up

Superset no. 1

Complete 5 sets / rest 45 seconds between each set

A. Barbell Overhead Press x 6

B. Banded OHP x 30 seconds

Circuit no. 1

Complete 3 sets / rest 60 seconds between each set

A. DB Bench Press x 8

C. Weighted Plank x 60 seconds

B. 90’ Push-up Hold x 30 seconds

Giant Circuit

Complete 3 sets / rest 60 seconds between each set

A. X Hold x 30 seconds

C. Lateral Raise x 12

E. V Sit w/ Press x 20

B. Front Raise Hold x 30 seconds

D. Front Raises x 12


Movement Prep

Monk Stretch

Squat Reach Sequence

Downward Dog


Circuit no. 1

Complete 3 sets / rest 45 seconds between each set

A. Add a Pulse Goblet Squats x 8

B. SS Hold w/ SA Row x 12/arm

C. Lunge w/ Press x 12/leg

D. Weighted Donkey Kicks x 20/leg

Circuit no. 2

Complete 3 sets / rest605 seconds between each set

A. Deficit Pull-ups x 8

Video Block
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C. Russian Torture x 12

D. Stability Toe Taps x 60 seconds